Here's what's happening.
Held at the Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street. Bring your student ID, proof of age and your e-ticket.
Held at George Square Lecture Theatre — follow the volunteers! A word from organisers, some house rules, sponsor introductions and all hacktastic things.
Let the fun begin. You may go and talk to our sponsors about their challenges or think of things you can do!
Served outside the Forum.
Come to the helpdesk area to find all the other folks looking for a team!
Location TBC. Learn the basics of a hackathon essential.
Learn how to use the Skyscanner APIs to build the best travel hack.
Possibly the most popular microframework in the world and another hackathon essential for Python lovers!
Get to know the basics of Machine Learning in 30 minutes.
Hosted by Craneware.
Served in the café area
Write a simple program to complete the given task in any language you like - the shortest correct code wins!
The rules are simple — we give you a random powerpoint presentation to present in two minutes. The best improv wins.
Ask our volunteers in red shirts to show you de way to the sleeping.
Come snack on some artesan pizza to keep you going.
Cool game.
IF YOU HAVE A DIETARY REQUIREMENT (GF, VEGAN), PLEASE GO FIRST. Catered from a van outside the building.
Submit your hack on Devpost!
Make sure you submit your project on DevPost by this time. Get ready to present your work to the judges. Awesome prizes await!
Served outside the Forum
Science fair style. Tidy up your desk and showcase what you've made to the judges and fellow hackers.
MAKE SURE TO TAKE ALL OF YOUR BELONGINGS WITH YOU. Hosted in George Square Lecure Theatre.
Last good byes and kisses before you leave Hack the Burgh. We hope to see you next year!
Best 3 projects overall.
Do something exciting with Arm's prototype IoT hardware. It has sensors, lights, thermometer etc. a screen and most importantly WiFi. (£200)
Save The World! Make something positive and helpful for humanity. (£200)
Build a digital version of a children's playground game. (£500)
Draw an Octocat and tweet with "#HackTheBurgh". Win an Octocat statue!
Make a fake news detector for social media. (£200)
Make a bot to play multiplayer Doom. (£500)
Best use of Skyscanner APIs. (£100 in air vouchers for each participant)
- Slack is the primary tool of communication between hackers, sponsors and organisers
- An organiser for any problems.
- 999 for critical life or death situations.
Eduroam is available for use.
If you do not have eduroam or if you are experiencing connection issues, please contact one of the organisrs and we will sort it out for you.